2016-17 DROPS Grant-Funded Engineering Project at
Flora Vista Elementary
Fifth and sixth grade student interns at Flora Vista Elementary studied the stormwater runoff on their campus and proposed a structural Best Management Practice to mitigate stormwater pollution in their parking lot. With the help of the DROPS grant, the school district approved construction of a biofiltration strip in their campus parking lot. Construction was completed in May 2017.
PlansClick image to enlarge
October 2016 - SurveyThe ATC Design Group brought their survey equipment in for the student interns to explore. They discussed topographic surveying and how water flows to the lowest points on their campus.
January 2017 - Plant SelectionInterns met with the design engineers and landscape architects to select plants that will thrive in the projects environment and support their needs for filtering the storm runoff.
February 2017 - Final Plan ReviewInterns met again with engineers to review the final plans before sending it out for contractor bids.
January 2017 - Contractor TourContractors bidding on the project met with interns to better understand the requirements. The purchasing officer from EUSD joined the team to chaperone the process.
February 2017 - Bid OpeningWith the help of EUSD's Purchasing Department, the interns reviewed the contractor bids and awarded the project.
April 2017 - ConstructionWhile students were on Spring Break, interns supervised construction at their school site.