SWPPP Internship Program is building a generation of passionate environmental leaders.
Reducing oil, grease and brake dust entering parking lot storm drains on campus
SWPPP interns promote programs created in partnership with local auto repair shops and car washes to help reduce used oil entering their storm drains in their community.
Interns get their message out to their peers through hundreds of completed educational best management practices such as posters, murals, assemblies and lunch activities.
The student interns are enthusiastic to bring their messages to the parent community using campaigns at school drop-off and pick-up, bring home flyers, and presentations to the PTA, School Board, and at other on campus parent meetings such as Back-to-School Night.
Connecting with Local Government and Special Districts
Interns present at City Council Meetings, Water Districts' Board Meetings and County-wide Environmental Initiative Meetings as effective communicators of a shared goal: keeping pollutants out of our storm water.
In 2018, SWPPP Interns presented to the California State Water Resources Control Board and Executive Team in Sacramento following up on the completion of 6 water quality projects completed with their $720,000 grant. Projects included permeable pavement in the parking lot, curb cuts and bioswales. Interns also resented to the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board and annually at multiple professional industry conferences.