2017-18 DROPS Grant-Funded Engineering Project at
Olivenhain Pioneer Elementary
Student interns at Olivenhain Pioneer studied the stormwater runoff on their campus and noticed oil and grease from the parking lot draining directly into the storm drain. Students proposed a structural Best Management Practice to use a bioretention basin to filter runoff before it leave the campus. With the help of the DROPS grant, the school district approved construction of this BMP which will begin construction in April 2017.
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Support Documents |
November 2017 - SurveyATC Design Group brought their survey equipment on site for the interns to explore. They reviewed the topographic map of the school site with the interns to study how water flows on the campus.
January 2018 - Plant SelectionInterns met with a Landscape Architect to select plants suited for the conditions of the bioswale.
February 2018 - Contractor WalkInterns brought the contractors bidding on the project and the Purchasing Supervisor for EUSD to the site to better understand the scope of the work.
February 2018 - Bid OpeningThe District's Purchasing Supervisor oversees the opening of contractor bids. The contractor with the lowest bid was awarded the contract.
March 2018 - Ribbon CuttingThe School Board, parents, media and community members were invited to participate in the ribbon cutting event that coincidentally happened in the rain!
May 2018 - Construction Begins!The District's Purchasing Supervisor oversees the opening of contractor bids. The contractor with the lowest bid was awarded the contract.