From researching pollutants to testing samples these interns are learning, having fun and making meaningful changes in their community.
Weekly Staff Meetings
We do a variety of activities during our weekly staff meetings: including: making visual observations of the storm drains on our school campus, cleaning out clogged drains, test samples in class labs, guest speakers
Even though SWPPP internship is fun, we are doing the job of water professionals. We need to follow procedures so we don't contaminate the water samples or miss something important. Three training sessions keep us safe and on track.
By studying the results of the testing, interns can figure out where the problem areas are on the campus and design BMPs (Best Management Practices) to help reduce the pollutants draining off the school site.
Each year SWPPP interns take different field trips to study how our school campus ties into the city storm drain system and how we can prevent pollutants on our campus from ending up in our local waterways.
An important part of the SWPPP internship is sharing our findings to the school and community. Even if you don't like to present, you can help prepare the multimedia presentations.